"Could", sözcüğü daha önce öğrendiğimiz "can" sözcüğünün past hali, yani geçmiş zaman için olanı gibidir. Geçmişte yapabildiğimiz şeyleri anlatmak için kullanırız.
He couldn't talk when he was 15 months old.
I could run faster two years ago.
The tigers could walk on their two feet in the circus.
Bu sözcük izin istemek, nazik ricada bulunmak için de kullanılabilir.
Could I open the window?
Could you help me for a minute?
Could you explain this example to me?
You can watch many shows at a circus. There are clowns in a circus. They are very funny. There are also many animals in a circus. They can do tricks. |
-Hello George.
-Hi Jerry.
-Can you play a musical instrument, George?
-Yes, I can play piano.
-Oh, that's very good. Could you play piano when you were 10?
-No, I couldn't. But I could play it when I was 14. What about you?
-I can't play the piano, but I can play guitar. I could play it when I was 12.
-Can you make a cake?
-Yes, I can. I learned it when I was 10. I could make a cake when I was 10.
-Could you make a cake when you were younger?
-No, I couldn't |
-Do you ever raise money at school?
-Yes, sometimes we raise money at school for Kızılay. Kızılay helps a lot of people with that money. |
The children are going to collect money and help homeless animals with that money. |
They can raise money by organising a bazaar. They will sell things in the bazaar. Some students will sing and play guitar. Everybody will help. Tom and Marry will help too. Tom is good at singing and playing the guitar but he is bad at doing other things.
Mary is good at selling thing, but she is bad at mathematics.
İngilizce olarak kendimizden bahsederken, hangi konuda iyi olduğumuzu veya olmadığımızı anlatmak için "be + good at" kalıbı kullanırız. Bu yapıyı kullanarak "iyi olduğumuz", yani başarılı olduğumuz aktiviteleri anlatırız. Bunun zıddı olarak, "be + bad at" kalıbıyla da "kötü olduğumuz" yani başarısız olduğumuz şeyleri anlatabiliriz.
Bu kalıplardan sonra hemen aktivitenin ismini söyleyebileceğimiz gibi, "-ing" eki eklenmiş bir fiil ile de aktiviteyi anlatabiliriz.
I am good at football.
I am good at playing football.
I am good at computers.
I am good at playing computers.
I am good at some sports. I am good at football and cycling but I'm not good at basketball. I am also good at using computers. I can't swim very well. I am not good at swimming. I am bad at swimming. What about you? Are you good at any of these activities? Or are you good at other activities? For example, are you good at dancing or singing? Are you good at music? |
I could use a computer when I was 10 years old. I could also ride a bicyle very fast. I could play football very well because I could run very fast and when I was 10. What could you do when you were 10? Could you play any musical instruments?
When I was younger, I could learn telephone numbers easily but now I often forget them.
"Would like" öbeği ile tercih, istek bildiririz. Bu öbekten sonra isim gelebilir. Böylece özne bir şey istediğini bildirmiş olur.
I would like some chocolate.
Jane would like a new hat.
The students would like a holiday.
-Would you like an apple?
-No, thank you, I would like an ice cream.
-Sure, here you are.
Bu öbekten sonra isim gelebildiği gibi, "to+fiil + isim" de gelebilir. Böylece özne bir şey yapmak istediğini bildirmiş olur.
I would like to eat some chocolate.
Jane would like to buy a new hat.
The students would like to have a holiday.
He would like to perform in a play.
-What would your mother like on her birthday?
-She would like to get a present on her birthday.
-Would she like a new shirt?
-Yes, she would like a new shirt.
-What would George like to have for lunch?
-She would like to have a sandwich for lunch.
-What would you like to play today?
-We would like to play football today.
-Would you like to play basketball now?
-No we wouldn't. We would like to play football today.
"would" kısaltılabilir, "'d" olarak özneye birleştirilir. Ayrıca "wouldn't" olarak olumsuz da yapılabilir.
-I'd like to have a cup of coffee today.
-Would you like any sugar in your coffee?
-Yes, I'd like a little sugar in it.
-Would monkeys like fruit?
-Yes, they'd like fruit.
-Would lions like to eat fruit?
-No, they wouldn't like fruit.
-Would a cat like to swim in the lake?
-Of course it wouldn't!
"would like" öbeğinin en sık kullanıldığı durum, "would you like...." şeklindeki nazik sorulardır.
-Would you like a cup of tea?
-Sure, that would be great!
-Would you like to drink a cup of tea?
-No, thank you.
Daha önceki konularda da gördüğümüz gibi, bize yapılan nazik tekliflere yine nazikçe cevap vermek gerekir. Olumsuz cevap vereceksek "I'm sorry" veya "I'm afraid I can't" gibi cevaplar verdikten sonra sebep bildirmek gerekir. |
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